Saturday, July 6, 2013

Last day in london almost home

Today was bitter sweet because this whole trip has been amazing and no onee wants it to end but everyone is tired and grouchy and needs to go home. We crammed as much stuff as possible today...some of it didnt get done but the day was still a great finale day. 

The day started on the London Eye.
Then to the Harry potter film walk where we saw some of the places they filmed at.
(jk rowling's inspiration for the location of the leaky cauldron.

Then I had Indian food for the first time! fantastic!! Pretty spicy but great!!!

We were 10 min late for the boat tour so we couldnt go on it. Instead we saw a 4d movie and of course a bird was narrorating it :O!! The whole time a bird was coming at you. great! I forgot to mention that the birds in london are everywhere and not aftaid of anything. They swooped people and chased then atound. I even had a weird nightmare that birds were attacking me an i woke up spazing out....poor hannah.

Then We had Fish and Chips in a medieval resturant and then the Jack the ripper tour. The tour was very gory and detailed but super cool!!

(our tour guide)

Tomorrow I'm off to the airport to go home!! Can't wait to see you all back home and start packing for my Germany trip!!


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