Friday, July 19, 2013

3rd day of German school

I went to school again. The teachers were pretty much done teaching for the year so all we did was watch movies in German all day. But her first class Biology we had some food. Bread,bread,and more bread. haha :) It is all really good though! Then she had Erdkunde (Geography) and we watched a movie in German,but it was originally in French so they talked a lot faster to try to match up with mouths speaking in French. It was really hot in there,because they dont have air conditioning they just open the windows. Normally it wouldn't be a problem,but there wasn't a breeze at all. After that she had Religion. Yes that is right I said Religion in a public school. Weird right?? At home they wouldn't even think about having Religion in school. We just watched a Monte Python movie the whole time. The next class (social studies) we watched a german war movie in german. Then school was done for the day for her.When we got home my host mom took Annika and I shopping at the mall.We had some Pizza for lunch and of course I got it all over my white shorts. Where was Hannah Finnerty when I needed her?? Every time on my English Isles trip when we sat down to eat Hannah always got on me about putting my napkin on my lap. Ok so continuing on with my day. We did a little shopping at the mall. I bought some stabilos for mom. ( really amaying german pens) I noticed at a book store that the book's spines are printed different. Instead of having to turn your head to the right to read the spine you have to turn your head to the left to read it.  Later on after we had been home for a while we went mini golfing. I was awful,but it was my first time and a lot of fun!! When we finished the course we went to a little restaurant on the river and had supper. I had schnitzel!! It was SOOO good! Loved it!!

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