Monday, July 1, 2013

A wee bit of scotland

Today I went into Edinburgh and we did the guided tour on the bus. Our guide was of course wearing a kilt!! Kilts kilts and more kilts. On the guided tour we saw the Greyfriars bobby.
There is his statue. His master was a police man and when he died his dog crawled under the church fence every night to sleep at his master's grave for 14 years untill the dog's death. The dog was buried in front of the church as an example of loyalty. Unbeknownst me J.K Rowling wrote the harry potter books here. She got most of the names from streets here. I was standing by an intersection of Fredrick street and George street. hmmm wonder where she used that?? We visited the Castle of Edinburgh. It is a castle and a military base for Scotland.
It is on a HUGE hill. Right by the entrance to the castle they had grand stands set up for concerts and the military tattoo....not ink. It is a military salute. The castle was preparing for the royal salute to the queen. No big deal but right now I am in the same city as the queen herself. She is having a party at a palace in Edinburgh. I didnt see her come in but when she did come in they shot all three cannons at the castle to welcome her. The castle was huge and there were lots and lots and lots of kilts. I LOVED it....and of course i had to get a picture.
Jealous?? They were both from schools here and that is their uniform they were on a field trip.I got to see the crown jewels of Scotland. Very beautiful....unfortunately we werent allowed to take pictures at all in that building. In the gift shop i got a Scotish CD of bagpipes and fifes and drums. Fair warning julia!!!!......i have and irish CD too. We got to walk aroud the city the rest of the day. We got lost a couple times but we made it back to the bus in time. After that we went back to the hotel to freshen up for the scottish meal and music. I wish i could put videos on here but i dont have a youtube account. I got video of bagpiping and dancing. They even invited us to do a dance. It was like 12th night ball in Scotland. And i ate haggis!! How many people can say that they have ate haggis in Scotland? I actually liked it. It tasted like meatloaf. We even had a separate course just for haggis. There was a special cerimony and everything. 
Here it is my haggis! They took one of the kids from my group to be the haggis bearer. After dinner a lady did a traditional scotish dance which was basically her jumping around on the tips of her toes with her arms up. But i didnt get any pictures because i was too busy watching. Over all I loved the meal and extras!! It makes me even more excited for the ball in january!! Tomorrow we will head to yet another castle and then at night take a ghost tour of Edinburgh. ooooooooooooo! (creepy ghost voice)

Hope you are enjoying me blogs!


p.s i forgot this in my first blog thank you so much aunt paulette for letting me use your suitcase it is AMAZING! I owe you big!!


  1. Today sounds like so much fun. I love the picture with the kilts. You look really pretty in it. Thanks for doing this blog your keeping me busy over here.

    Lacie Steibel

  2. you look like you are having a blast! i love your posts! keep them up. enjoy! be safe. xoxo.
